Unlock The Secrets To A Secure Retirement

This FREE book may just be your missing piece to a worry-free retirement. If you are closing in on retirement in 7 or less years, or already there, you need this book.

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    Receive the book immediately in PDF format in your email for a secure retirement.Learn the risks of the sequence of returns, the power of not losing money, and how to lower the investment fees you are paying your advisor.Learn how to reduce risk while generating predictable income, moderate growth, and preservation of principal... all at the same time!

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    Why Retirement Parachute?

    Market Risk

    Shield your savings from the unpredictable nature of the market.

    Investment Fees

    Learn strategies to cut down or even eliminate pesky management fees.

    Guaranteed Income

    Ensure a steady flow of income throughout your retirement.

    About the author

    Flavio is a resident of Myrtle Beach, SC and owner of Charter Financial Group of Carolina, and Coast Wealth Management. Flavio Medeiros is a seasoned retirement planning expert, a fiduciary Investment Advisor.His passion for guiding individuals through financial complexities culminated in his insightful book, "Retirement Parachute." With a commitment to securing futures, Flavio is a trusted voice in retirement solutions.

    About Coast Wealth

    Serving the retirement needs of the Carolinas and nationwide, specializing in Retirement.We are here to help guide you through your retirement the secure way, not risking your hard work with unnecessary risk.

    Copyright © 2024 Coast Wealth Management

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    Ready to Secure Your Retirement?Are you looking to create income, grow your money, and protect your assets during retirement?Let's discuss how to achieve your financial goals.Schedule a no-obligation consultation with me today for personalized retirement planning strategies.I will bring you a physical copy of the book to our meeting!

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